‘Lush European Classics’ Comprise Symphony Tacoma’s November Performance
Symphony Tacoma continues its 75th Anniversary Celebration with its second of six classics concerts on Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. in the Pantages Theater. This concert features a lush collection of melodic European classics.
“This program is a gorgeous mix of both classical and neo-classical works in a collection of important short gems. A beautiful Parisian flavor weaves its way throughout the program reminding us of the city’s place as one of the most important centers for music creativity,” said Music Director Sarah Ioannides. “I’m also thrilled to welcome our own principal flautist Mary Jensen as soloist for both Mozart and Faure, as well as sharing music by the remarkable Chevalier de Saint-Georges that has been unjustly forgotten.”
The program will open with Symphony No. 2 by Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges. Bologne was regarded as one of Mozart’s most accomplished contemporaries and the first classical composer of African descent. He is often referred to as the “Black Mozart,” which is a broad contextualization as he was globally renowned throughout his life—even called “the most accomplished man in Europe” by U.S. President John Adams. This work stands out for the elegant detail of its craft, giving the illusion of seamless ease.